Everybody wants to get a good night’s sleep. It’s easier for some than others, but if you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea in Laguna Beach (OSA), you may feel like the notion of rest is unreachable. The professionals at Laguna Family Dentistry can help make a diagnosis and put you on the path toward treatment. If you’ve recently received your diagnosis, here are a few things you’ll come to learn about the condition.
While it may be challenging, sleep can be obtained if some lifestyle changes are made.
Though sleeping comfortably next to a machine while wearing a mask can be difficult, a CPAP machine may be the key to good sleep. Studies estimate that 30-50% of CPAP users do not like the treatment, but by taking a few simple steps, you can avoid becoming part of this statistic. First, it’s recommended to physically go to a sleep center or clinic to try on the masks available. That way, you can find one that is most comfortable for you. Wearing the cover will take an adjustment period, but you should find that, over time, you’ll learn tips and tricks that make it easier. For example, putting the mask on before starting the machine can help seal it better. OSA patients are encouraged not to give up on their CPAP treatment.
Receiving a diagnosis of OSA does not prevent you from continuing to explore the world; you’ll have to take a few extra steps before leaving home. Travel-specific therapy machines are available that adhere to FAA regulations. Be prepared to pack your device as a carry-on, and remember to bring your prescription. Before taking flights, you may also want to check with the airlines about onboard use and electrical outlets. Even off-the-grid locations will still be accessible for hunting, camping, fishing, etc. Your OSA does not have to tie you down.
If you suffer from OSA, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. Not only is there a large population of Americans with the condition (an estimated 12-25 million), but several support groups are available to you. Additionally, the professionals at Laguna Family Dentistry in Laguna Beach, CA, are available to assist you as needed.
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They help you improve the quality of your sleep through nasal breathing.