The Importance Of A CBCT Scan To Dental And Oral Health

The Importance Of A CBCT Scan To Dental And Oral Health

Aug 01, 2021

During a dental implant evaluation, your dentist will require a CBCT scan, and if you are new to the scanning methods, you might be wondering what the scan is needed for.

What is a CBCT Scan?

The 3D cone beam computed tomography is a technology that gives detailed imaging of a patient’s dental features, allowing the dentist to evaluate the mouth’s nerve pathways, bone structures, and soft tissues.

When conducting a CBCT scan, the imaging device rotates around the head of the patient. It produces about 150 to 200 images captured from various angles in less than one minute, gathered together as a single 3D image. CBCT scans are rapid in most cases as it usually takes about 20 to 40 seconds to conduct a full mouth scan.

During the CBCT scan, the patient would be seated while the x-ray arm rotates gently around the patient’s head. To help keep your head still while the scan is ongoing, the dentist may ask that you rest your head against the machine, or the dentist would use a stabilizer in or around your ears to help hold your head still. The scan does not cause pain or discomfort to the patients.

CBCT scan uses safe and lesser radiation than traditional CT scan. As humans, we are all exposed to background radiation. CBCT scan produces 6 to 30 days of this background radiation while the conventional CT scanner made about 63 to 154 days of background radiation. In our current technological world, the CBCT imaging is transforming how dentist gets information about their patient’s dental health.

The anatomical accuracy needed for a patient’s diagnosis, planning of treatment, surgical procedure, and follow-ups for several methods is provided by a CBCT scan. Panoramic and intraoral images, traditional two-way dimensional imaging systems, are no longer sufficient to provide patients with accurate information in planning various dental treatments.

What is a CBCT Scan used For?

A CBCT scan is critical when considering a dental treatment that requires a surgical procedure. The images are helpful in several dental cases such as:

  • Diagnosis and detection of tumors or infection in a patient’s dental health.
  • Planning and placement of dental implants. Severe endodontic cases.
  • Dental surgery.
  • Gum disease.
  • Orthodontic treatment.

This technology provides effective planning for various dental treatments that are intricate or severe, thereby allowing an accurate simulations treatment.

Benefits of CBCT in Dental Setting

  • The CBCT scan help to enhance dental treatment planning as it is used in cases of impacted tooth to predict how long the orthodontic treatment will take, which is very informative to the patient and dentist. A CBCT scan provides a more confident diagnosis as information gathered helps the dentist accurately diagnose the dental issue.
  • A CBCT scan has improved endodontic treatment as it helps assess failures, search for missed canals, and manage severe endodontic cases.
  • The x-ray beam that is focused lowers scattered radiation, which helps to provide better image quality.
  • The CBCT scan has caused an increase in dental treatment acceptance levels as patients can now see a three-dimensional view of themselves.
  • The CBCT scan can help relieve patients from years of pain as it can now reveal any prolonged dental issue that other scanning methods couldn’t review.

CBCT scanning is an essential part of dentistry and helps give your dentist adequate info on how long a procedure may take and how to get the best it fixed. Having a CBCT scan is not in any way complex, and you should get it at your dentist’s request. If you do not have a personal dentist in newport coast, you can search CBCT scanner near or dentist near you to get a local listing of dental clinic near you to book an appointment. If you live in Laguna Beach or near Laguna Beach, you can get a dentist near your residence by searching CBCT scanner in Laguna Beach or a dentist in Laguna beach to book an appointment.

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