Sleep apnea is referred to like the sudden stopping and restarting to breathing during sleep. It can lead to a wide array of different health issues, including death. Your breath can stop for over 10 seconds, and it is also to have multiple episodes per night, even over 100 episodes. If the issue is left untreated, you are putting yourself in grave danger.
Some of the symptoms of sleep apnea include excessive snoring, grinding your teeth, gasping for air, unrefreshing sleep and pauses in breathing during your sleep.
The treatment for sleep apnea includes using a continuous positive airway pressure machine which pumps into your throat continuously. In case your sleep apnea is caused due to your loose throat muscles, grinding your teeth or having a small jaw, your dentist in newport coast can help you treat your sleep apnea in laguna beach.
Prolong untreated sleep apnea can lead to the following issues:
People suffering from sleep apnea tend to also suffer from elevated blood pressure & heart disease. This is mainly when you are having an episode, your heart rate increased causing a strain on your heart. Multiple incidents every time you sleep can put excessive stress on your heart, leading to an elevated blood pressure & heart disease.
If you are suffering your sleep apnea and elevated blood pressure & heart disease, it is highly advisable to see a dentist near you immediately.
People who suffer from sleep apnea are at an increased risk of weight gain & diabetic complications. This is due to the strain it puts on our body. Lack of quality sleeps results in low levels of energy, develop lethargy and also affect your metabolic rate. In case a person is suffering from diabetes, the additional strain sleep apnea puts on your body can complicate the pre-existing diabetic conditions.
If you are suffering your sleep apnea and have an existing diabetic condition, it is suggested to see your family dentist in Laguna beach CA at the earlier.
As mentioned earlier, lack of quality sleeps results in low levels of energy, develop lethargy and also affect your metabolic rate. This can lead to multiple issues associated with severe exhaustion.
Sleep apnea is not an issue to be taken lightly, and in case you are suffering from sleep apnea, visit a dentist near you to get yourself treated immediately.
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