Pros and Cons of Same-Day CEREC Crowns

Pros and Cons of Same-Day CEREC Crowns

Jun 01, 2022

Many busy professionals require dental crowns to strengthen their weakened or damaged teeth. Although dental crowns are available from many dentists, people are reluctant to endure the lengthy procedure of having them on their teeth. In addition, people are aware they are damaging their teeth by leaving them exposed but avoid dental visits, fearing the dental crown procedure and the multiple appointments dentists need before the placement.

If you confront a similar situation and need dental crowns to cover damaged or decayed teeth, you can put the concerns of scheduling multiple dental visits and waiting for three weeks or more before getting the restorations you need. The dentist near you provides CEREC same-day dental crowns in one visit to their dental office. Don’t you think it is lovely?

Information that CEREC same-day crowns are available nearby can increase your enthusiasm to get your teeth restored as soon as possible. While the restorations undoubtedly restore the appearance of your teeth and smile instantly, you might find it a blessing in disguise, allowing you to move around without trying to hide your smile.

What Are CEREC Same-Day Crowns

Traditional crowns fabricated from metals, porcelain fused to metal, et cetera require at least two dentist visits before having your tooth protected with dental crowns. Meanwhile, you must also endure temporary crowns over your teeth for approximately three weeks as the dental laboratory fabricates your customized restorations.

CEREC crowns near you give you the restorations the day you visit their office with your damaged teeth. No waiting for three weeks or temporary crowns to endure before getting your permanent restorations to safeguard your teeth. You walk into the dentist’s office nearby and step out in a couple of hours with your new CEREC crowns sitting snugly over your damaged or decayed teeth.

You may think it is a beautiful opportunity to restore your tooth’s strength and functionality. However, you must understand some pros and cons associated with CEREC crowns. Therefore before you visit CEREC crowns in Laguna Beach, CA, to get your dental restorations, we suggest you read the pros and cons and decide accordingly.

Pros of CEREC Crowns

Tooth Functionality Restored Immediately
Traditional crowns compel you to wear a temporary crown over your teeth for approximately three weeks. Temporary crowns are not designed for your mouth and are ill-fitting, causing injuries and other issues. The Laguna dental facility provides CEREC crowns in one visit that don’t require extensive tooth structure removal or temporary crowns; they restore your tooth functionality immediately.

Your teeth affect your smile and speech and cause eating problems. If you have temporary crowns over your teeth must exercise caution when performing everyday activities and might also have to follow a specific diet until you can get the permanent crowns. CEREC crowns eliminate the need for any caution by restoring your teeth in one appointment.

Saves You Money
Multiple appointments with dentists and temporary crowns add up to the cost of the dental crown. When you selecting same-day CEREC crowns, you divide dental visits by half and eliminate the need for temporary crowns. Therefore the restoration allows you to save money and attend to other activities instead of wasting time at dentist’s offices.

The temporary crowns you receive with traditional procedures rarely fit, making them uncomfortable. Ceramic helps make CEREC crowns comfortable and fit perfectly over your teeth for protection.

Cons of CEREC Crowns

Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns Are More Durable
CEREC technology allows dentists to create their new dental crown using a ceramic block in the dental office. Traditional crowns consist of metals, ceramic, porcelain fused to metal, et cetera. Porcelain fused to metal crowns is more durable than CEREC crowns because the metal bonds to your teeth, making them resistant to wear and tear over time. Therefore traditional crowns are more resistant to fractures increasing their durability than CEREC crowns.

CEREC Technology Doesn’t Detect Fractures below the Gum Line
The CEREC camera doesn’t have the ability to capture proper images of your tooth if the fracture extends below the gum line. In such cases, you might benefit from having traditional crowns.

If you are incredibly busy and cannot accommodate multiple dental visits for a dental crown, you can consider the same-day CEREC dental crown process offered by Laguna Family Dentistry to have your tooth restored in one appointment. Kindly schedule an appointment with them today to flash your newly restored tooth.

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