Porcelain veneers are an excellent treatment for improving the appearance of a smile. They can be used to treat teeth that have been affected by decay, trauma, excessive wear, or discoloration. If you are looking for a cosmetic dental solution to improving your smile, Laguna Family Dentistry is the dentist in Laguna Beach, CA who can give you the smile you’re looking for.
Though porcelain veneers are a fairly popular choice in cosmetic dentist laguna beach, some people may hesitate to get them because of certain myths that they’ve heard. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about porcelain veneers.
Like with any other major dental procedure, a local anesthetic is used during the application of dental veneers. This results in no pain and little to no discomfort.
Veneers are commonly used on the six front teeth, which are the most visible, but they can also be used on lower teeth and premolars – anywhere they are needed.
Some of the tooth will have to be filed down to make room for the veneers to fit, but only a small portion from the front; your dentists Laguna Beach goal is to preserve as much as possible of the natural tooth structure.
Veneers are very good for enhancing the overall appearance of a smile, but they can also be used to fill out the cheeks and rebuild broken or worn down molars.
Thanks to advancements in dental technology and techniques, modern veneers can be customized to a variety of specifications – they can match the thickness, shape, and natural color of a patient’s existing teeth. That way, they blend in very well with the neighboring teeth and are inconspicuous.
If you have been considering porcelain veneers in Laguna Beach, CA 92651, contact Laguna Family Dentistry to have a consultation with a dentist in newport coast. Our experienced staff will discuss your concerns and goals with you and determine whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure.
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